Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ending Our Summer Vacation with a Bang

Our most important announcement as the summer comes to an end is Jack is POTTYTRAINED! Oh my gosh, I wasn't sure it would ever happen, especially after how he responded when I attempted earlier in the summer. But one day he took his own shorts off and told me he wanted to use the potty and he's been using it ever since! So everyone who told me. just wait he'll tell you when he's ready, were totally right:) You'll also notice he got his hair cut. It's his bib boy hair cut. It is definitely growing on me, but sometimes when I see a pic with his long little boy hair I get a bit teary.
I can finally put Alex's hair up. Look at her adorable pigtails, of course sometimes they last longer thatn other times!
So I decided to brave the pool for the second time this summer with the kids. I know I should have taken them more but between the fact that they don't open until noon and the sheer work involved in keeping them in my eye sight every minute, I have just nor attempted it that much. Here is Alex splashing in the shallow part. However, this picture is way deceiving because she rarely stayed in the shallow part. Most of her pool time was spent seeing how far she could go before being totally underwater. I would then pick her up and bring her to shallower water and she would kick and scream until I put her down and she could run back to the deep part!! Exhausting! I can't wait to be one of the moms that gets to sit on the edge soaking up the sun and talking!!! Maybe next summer:)

Jack soaking up the sun!
We have been very lucky to find great people to spend time with in Shelbyville and enjoyed a backyard party last night. It was a great time for us and the kids. Alex especially enjoyed walking from plate to plate and eating other kids food! They were too busy playing so she decided to help them out.
Beth and Nikki did a good job leading a game of duck, duck, goose. You'll notice Jack is absent because he was loving the bouncy house too much! However Tatum did give him a duck, duck, goose lesson later (it was awfully cute) Jack loved the bouncy house. He was in, out, and through it so fast this was the best pic I could get.

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