Saturday, April 25, 2009

For Sale

So the time has finally come to put the house on the market! Seems to make this process very real all of the sudden. Jeremy's classroom training with State Farm is quickly coming to a close and he will be in an agency close by for May and June. When his training concludes in June we are hoping to have sold the house and be moving down to Shelbyville so we have a few months to settle in before school begins and Jeremy takes over his agency. Here are some pics of the house and a link to the site we posted it on (trying to do it ourselves first of course:).

Living/Dining Room

Kitchen So if you know of anyone who might be interested send them our way:) We would love you forever!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Girls Weekend

So . . . this was my weekend with the girls and it was so much fun! I went to Chicago to hang out with my best friends from college and we had a blast. We ate Giordano's for lunch and loved our deep dish pizza. Then we spent the afternoon shopping on Michigan Avenue. After lots of shopping we went back to our hotel and had a fun time getting ready for dinner. My favorite thing about these girls is it's like we're ageless when we're together. We were getting ready and it was just like when we were all living together in college even though we're all married with multiple kids! I feel so lucky to have girlfriends that I can just pick right back up with like nothing has changed:) Thanks for an awesome weekend girls!We went to a ZTA reunion party at a bar, but it was sooo loud we couldn't hear each other so the girls in my pledge class escaped to a cute Italian restaurant so we could catch up.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Kutmas Girls Came to Visit

Today I took a day off work and my friend Nichole (from college) came for a playdate. She drove all the way from the Quad Cities with her girls, Payton and Allie. We were so excited for her visit and the kids had a good time playing.
Nichole and Allie Jack and Payton playing the piano. This was a great activity because they both could do it at the same time! Something we found out was very important when these two strong-willed 2 year-olds played together:)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Morning

Easter morning was lots of fun. Of course it started off at about 6am for us!!! The kids enjoyed their baskets and had a good time on their egg hunt:) I love this picture! Jack found quite a few eggs and luckily it took him a while to figure out they had candy in them! Alex trying to make a break for it. I think she knew she had to move quick if she wanted any eggs. Alex in her bunny ears:)

Easter Eggs

On Saturday night we dyed eggs for the first time. Jack is just the perfect age to start doing this like this, I love it! He was so amazed by the dissovling color and loved plopping the eggs in the dye. Alex was happy to watch her big brother:)Here is Jack's egg crew!The best part was after all his eggs were dyed and had their faces on Jack moved them all around the table, setting them is all different patterns.

Okay, listen up eggs!ALMOST! PERFECT!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Alex is walking!

Alex is walking! OMG my baby is growing up. She is becoming such a walker and loves following Jack EVERYWHERE! You can see she also loves to brush her teeth, she makes her Papa so proud.
Mom and Alex practicing their building skills.
Jack amazes us all the time. It seems like just the other day he was always knocking things over and now he is such a little builder. Here he is making sure both little towers look exactly alike!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Finally, it's all out!

So this weekend we had a garage sale! It was a huge success. I had never had one before so I was very hesitant, but with lots of encouragement from Jeremy we finally got one together. And oh my it was hard work. I think I've spent 3 weeks preping for it, but when the cash came in and there was space for storage in my basement again I was happy:) It was a bit hard to part with all Jack and Alex's baby clothes. As you can see Jack thought so too, he was constantly in my piles trying things on! Alex enjoyed chilling out with Nona and greeting our shoppers:)